I have worked in many places, with many communities and issues but I have to say that this latest work is by far the most rewarding and satisfactory and a real learning and healing process too. It has certainly been the hardest, the one I spent the more time thinking carefully about every single details, words, images. We were given the responsibility to document, portray and represent a very difficult healing process of Colombian women living in Spain. How could we represent fairly and with dignity 35 women who all come from different paths of life, who all have experienced Colombia in their own way, who all come from different regions? It tooks us 9 months but we did it. 'The love care and sensibility you took in capturing our stories is priceless.'
Thank you Amador Camargo for this wonderful collaboration. Thank you Maria Fanlo, ICIP and all the women for trusting us in representing this delicate healing and reconciliation process, and Helga Flamtermsky for teaching us so much.
Exhibition still open until 27th April 2018 at Centro Cívico Barceloneta, Barcelona.