More than 500 000 Latin Americans currently live in London and have migrated there since the late 19th Century. In 2015 there are more than 20 folkloric dance groups in London promoting Latin American culture and traditions as well as current and historical socio-political concerns, adapting and preserving their roots and heritage in their new urban and European life.
The ongoing project utilizes colour portraiture and urban landscapes. The images aim to create an archive of all the costumes and dances from each Latin American dance groups in London and are a tribute to their dedication and commitment to keep and promote their cultural heritage.It also aims to highlight the links between the origin of the dances with colonisation, migration, politics and history.
This archive explores new visual relationships between vibrant cultural traditions that have migrated into muted architectural backdrops in the grey streets of London and capitalism.
These images only represents 7 traditional Latin American dance from 6 folkloric dance groups: Talentos (Colombia), Expresion Inka ( Peru Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia) and Grupo Raices Tungurahua (Ecuador), Grupo Renacer (Ecuador), Vidance UK (Chile) and Grupo del Sur (Chile).